ASEP/JDS have been working together since 1990 to provide researchers in the social sciences with friendly and easy to use data bases, including both statistical data and survey data files. The products of this partnership include:
· The development and production, in 1992, of a Base De Indicadores Sociales y Económicos 1900-1990 (Data Base of Social and Economic Indicators 1900-1990) (BDISE).
· 52 national surveys on diverse sociological topics carried out between 1990 and 1996 for the Centro de Investigaciones sobre la Realidad Social (CIRES). The data files were distributed on diskette to 250 universities and research centers in Spain and another 150 outside of Spain.
· A study on Los Mayores en la Comunidad de Madrid (The Aged in the Madrid Autonomous Region) carried out for the Fundación Caja Madrid in 1996. The statistical and survey data files, also distributed to research institutions in Spain and abroad, included the first version of the JDSurvey program so that users unfamiliar with data analysis programs (such as SAS and SPSS) could generate their own tables with cross-tabulations of variables, graphs, etc.
· The cleaning, documentation and distribution of the data files of the World Values Survey (1990, 1995 y 2000 editions) and of the accumulated data of the European Values Study (EVS) 1999 and the World Values Survey 2000 in 2004, all on CD-rom, upon having been designated, along with the Zentral Archiv in Colonne, official data archives for future surveys by WVS and EVS organizations respectively.
· Since 1993 (and in collaboration with the Zentral Archiv) the cleaning (in alternate years) of studies by the International Social Survey Program and the distribution on CD-Rom of their results.
· The development and production of the CD-Rom to distribute the results of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems in 2004, the annual survey of the Latinobarometer since 1997, and numerous studies carried out by public and private, Spanish and foreign institutions. These CD-Rom include the data files of the surveys and the JDSurvey program, developed and produced by ASEP/JDS and continually updated.
· Participation in the European Union’s NESSTAR program between 1998 and 1999, participation that was abandoned because of diverging focuses on the goals and architectures of the survey databases with respect to other participants in that project.
Over the years, ASEP/JDS has been archiving its survey data and has produced the necessary programs to make its Data Bank available for researchers, to be used in interactive mode on the internet. Finally, with support from the BBVA Foundation it has been possible to conclude a long process whose principal objective has been to offer an alternative to sociological investigation “on word of honour” (where data are not made available) by making survey datasets available to the research community.